Little prayer
go far and wide
Bless our
Soldiers filled with pride
Let them know
how much we care
Within this
life our daily prayer
Hand of Jesus
always there
Guiding them
with love to share
Keep them
safe and always blest
Within this
time of great unrest
Know they serve
their country best
Their loyalty
is proven test
Each and every
soldier's soul
Bears the
burden of this goal
All the red
the white and blue
Colors that
they wear so true
each day they make
For country's
honor no disgrace
Born of glory
and always free
for humanity
Keep them
safe and bring them home
Our country's
best are not alone
Let them know
Your Love is there
In undaunted
daily prayer
Bless Our
Soldiers every day
Heroes never
fade away.
~ Francine
Pucillo ~
March 19, 2003
Used with
authors permission

March 22,