Please allow the beautiful wav to open, which
will bless you, I assure you
"At The Midnight Cry"
United We Stand, Divided WeFall
I have heard that saying since I was a kid, but
I am not sure I ever put much thought into it until recently. We
are clearly a nation divided when it comes to the subject of war with Iraq.
I think the only thing we can agree on is nobody wants to have a war.
I do not believe President Bush wants to go to war, but he feels it is
necessary and I for one will support what our Commander-in-Chief feels
is best for our country. None of us can be naive enough to
think they have told us everything. Our leaders truly think if we
are going to be safe from attack, this is necessary. The thought of war
sends cold chills down my spine. I have a 19-year old son and the
idea of him going off to fight literally makes me sick to my stomach...but
then again, so do the still-vivid images of planes flying into the World
Trade Center. Do we know for a fact whether or not Saddam Hussein
had anything to do with that? To me, the more important question is: Can
we take the risk? I will not allow myself to forget what happened on the
morning of September 11th, 2001. Ten days or so later, George Bush
told the nation we would begin the fight against terrorism. He told
us "We will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail." And
he assured every leader of every country if they supported terrorism, we
would come after them. We all rejoiced in those words. Tears rolled
down my cheeks when I heard him say that. They were, in fact, words
we needed to hear and frankly, we WANTED to hear.
Now less than a year and a half later, many in
our country seem to be surprised. Some even question why we're doing
this. I will not debate the "should we or shouldn't we" question.
I just know that we have to UNITE. That means unite behind the people we
elected to lead us in good times and bad. Perhaps the reason we were
so vulnerable that fateful September day was due to the lack of being strong.
Fear of reprisal is a huge motivator when dealing with cowards like Osama
bin Laden.
I believe with all my heart the goal on September
11th was to kill 100,000 Americans or more. I beg you to close your
eyes and visualize those planes going into the buildings. Remember
the images of the people who jumped out of the burning inferno?
Admit it, you were horrified...and most of us cried. But we
found strength and we UNITED as a country. So many people wanted
to buy American flags that within 24 hours the stores were sold out.
Where are those feelings today?
No matter HOW you feel about war with Iraq, we
are sending a VERY dangerous message to the world that we are vulnerable.
I can only imagine how happy it makes the terrorists to see us divided
like this. I can see them laughing as they burn our sacred American
Let's face it...this war is going to happen no
matter if we want it or not. So I encourage all Americans to lock
arms and show the world we are strong and we want to remain free
of the fear of dying like our brothers and sisters did in New York.
I for one won't buy duct tape, nor store a hundred
gallons of water...I just won't let Saddam or Osama or any of the rest
of our enemies know I am scared. For, you see, I am more afraid of
the division inside our borders than an invasion from the enemy.
As for Martin Sheen, Madonna, Barbara Streisand,
and the rest of you "stars:" The "little people" like myself and
everyone else I know don't really give a darn what you think, so why don't
you keep it to yourself? Your voices are no more valuable than ours and
I resent you trying to divide our great country. Channel the energy
and publicity you love so much to garner unity or pick some other
cause with a POSITIVE helping our veterans who have
fought in previous wars, or supporting our police officers and fire
United we stand...divided we fall. I will
continue to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and believe ONE NATION, under God, is indivisible, and there will be liberty
and justice for all. I hope you'll join me.
Sincerely, Jerry Reynolds Owner, PRESTIGE FORD,
Garland Texas