A True Story
This happened to a very good friend of mine....I do not neccessary agree
with war either..but
somebody has to stop this man so why not us????...This was a cruel
thing this man did to her children..these kids are innocent they are suffering
enough because of a family member that is gone ...be it mom or dad...
So I would like to ask each and everyone of my friends....please if
you have an opinion about this war....dont share it with a child and please
dont share it with the wife or husband of one of our military.
If you cant say anything nice.......DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. to quote
a very famous rabbit.....I myself would love to say....THANK YOU TO ALL
who are fighting in this....the sacrific you have given and the stand
you have taken have given us the freedom we know enjoy...so from the bottom
of my heart...
God bless you all....Veronica
This is my friends story
Its not often I feel the need to share an events that has happened
to me with everyone especially with people i don't know bu this has to
be known.
I don't really care much about opinions of some people especially when
it comes to our countrys war on Irag for the freedom of iraq's people.
everyone has a right to there own opinion right. It is someone's choice
to support the troops or not right who am i to say they are wrong or the
families of the soldiers are wrong to support their husbands and wives
and the jobs they hold. I am one of those wives I support my husband i
support the guys he works with but when an attack is made on my family
I fight.
As a military wife I have my job be mommy and daddy when daddy is gone,
pay the bills, and do all the other daddy things and people really don't
know how it feels. On an everday basis you are invisible and no one cares
who you are or what you drive, they don't notice the military stickers
on your car or the id you hand them. You are one of them. You go to war
all of a sudden they notice the wives and the children. Some say we are
praying for you, thankyou for suporting your husband he couldn't do it
without you, tell your husband i wish him safe. Then one deals a low blow
to a child and it is your child.
I took my children for ice cream the other day we were all missing
daddy and i thought it was a good idea and the kids deserved it. We left
base where we lived and went into town i was getting my children out of
our car an this couple as they walk pass our car says hey your husband
in the navy? I started to say yes as my little girl said "My daddy on the
boat" so much pride and love in her voice. Guy looks at her and says "aren't
you a cutie? you know your daddy is going to rote in hell for killing innocent
people and children like you?" They walked off My Jaw dropped as a gasped
for air the horror washing over me as i grabed my kids and put them back
in the car. All the way back to the base I here questions mommy whats Hell?
mommy daddy kills? mommy does daddy kill? Why they no like my daddy? Daddy
in trouble? Mommy dad help good guys right? Mom whats kill?
What are you suppose to say to a 3 yr old who is starting to understand
and whats to know these answer? What are you suppose to think as the horrified
mother that someone in this country can walk up to you and say such horrible
things to a family of a soldier who has and is protecting that freedom
of speech and the right to think such thoughts.
Do me a favor the next time you see a military family that is missing
a member tell them hi and thankyou. Wether or not you support their spouses
decision to serve in this military or fight the fight please be nice.
We are not monsters we have feeling and we care probably more then
the next time. we have rocky times every day are men are gone please make
it better not worse.
Just so you know this really did happen. And please feel free to share
this story with everyone you know maybe someone with a cruel heart will
see there mistake. Love the ones around you please don't hate.
Thank you