


Please allow the beautiful wav to open, which
will bless you, I assure you
"At The Midnight Cry"

War Paint



When I first saw this picture, it took my breath away and the 
tears started flowing.  It was and still is the most AWESOME 
picture I have ever seen, other than pictures of my Lord 
hanging on that cross for us, and what a beautiful sight to 
see Brothers grasping hands in support of their faith, and I 
knew I had to do a page on it, but couldn't until God and I 
could be alone and HE could lead and guide me. I pray you 
will receive a blessing or be touched in some way.

Bittersweet tears...PRAISING GOD for our soldiers coming 
to the Lord before facing the battlefield and sad tears for 
what they were going through and what they were to face 
and are facing at this time, fighting for our freedom and safety.
Yes, prophecies are being fulfilled and signs of the times are 
appearing, but even in the midst of war, Jesus is claiming 
more and more of His children.

As this song says, there is a mighty rushing wind, and our 
troops are in a mighty rushing wind.
But, Praise God.... the trumpets will sound and Jesus will step 
out on those clouds and call His children.

Oh, dear ones, what a glorious day that will be when Jesus 
comes to get us.
No more wars, no more pain, suffering, tears, heartache, 
sadness, sickness and to think our Soldiers being baptized and 
coming to Our Lord. Yes, they too will be going with Our Lord.
How that blesses my heart and makes it so full that it fills like it 
could explode!
To see My God working in the midst of this war!

Yes, at the midnight cry, Jesus will be coming again to claim us,
His children and take us home.
Oh how I thank God I am one of them!
And I pray many more will come to know
our loving God before that glorious day!
We must pray without ceasing!


May God bless each of you.
Sent with much love,

Author: Lynn
Used with authors permission
 Email Author Here: 

Pfc. David Kurns is baptized by Task Force Chaplain 
Capt Ron Cooper, left, and 1st Lt. Brian Case, right, 
in the desert north of Kuwait City, Wednesday, 
Mar 12.
Eight members of the 3rd Infantry Division were 
baptized in the desert on Wednesday. 




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Graphics by Rebecca

Forrest Gladden