Bless my Daddy
every day
He means so
much to me
I love him
so much Jesus
He's wonderful
you see
He has to go
away now
It's for a
special cause
I don't understand
I guess it's
just because
I'm way too
To know of
all these things
I pray that
you will help me
Please give
him special wings
A very special
Assigned for
him today
I'd love that
so much Jesus
It'll make
me feel okay
Each night
before I go to sleep
I'll say a
special prayer
Jesus Bless
My Daddy
And everyone's
out there
Feel a little
tired now
Guess I'll
get some sleep
See You here
This promise
I will keep.
~ Francine
Pucillo ~
March 8, 2003
Used with
authors permission