A Little Boy's Question
A little boy looked up to his Mommy
And asked ," Where did my Daddy go?"
"I wish he was still here with me'
"Cause Mommy I love him so."
"Daddy sure did look sad Mommy"
"When he hugged us both that day"
"He promised he would come back soon"
"And I sure hope it is today"
The Mommy looked down sadly
And searched for words to say
To try to help him understand
Why Daddy had to go away.
How do you tell a four year old
His Daddy is gone off to war
How do you explain to him
What his Daddy if fighting for
She finally decided to tell him
"Your Daddy had to go
Because he wants to keep us safe
For he really loves us so"
"Daddy told me to tell you
That he wasn't ever far away
That he is kneeling there right beside you
Each night when you kneel down to pray"
The little looked up at his Mommy
And said, " I know that Mommy for you see
Every time I talk to Jesus at night
I feel Daddy right next to me"
The Mommy picked the little boy up
And held him close to her breast
And said, " Let's talk to jesus right now
For He always knows what is best
The little boy looked up toward Heaven and said
"Lord, please my Daddy home safe again
For I love him so and I need him
And I love you too Lord-Amen"
Jack Young(C)3/21/03
Used with authors permission
March 23rd 2003
